The journey continues….

Welcome to a White Belt’s Journey! Why “white belt,” you say? I am glad you asked, allow me to share. As a youth, I was fortunate to spend countless hours in the Dojo. In many martial arts, the belt a practitioner wears signifies their rank and experience. I recall seeing senior black belts with worn-out belts with the black stitching frayed displaying the base color of the belt, which was white. It symbolized something that has stuck with me throughout my life’s journey.

My sensei would explain that to attain a black belt was only a portion of the journey. You see, when a beginner enters the Dojo, they begin as a white belt. Through hard work, sweat and blood, and years of practice, the belt will lose its original white color. Once one attains the black belt, they must continue their development, and strands of the black belt may disappear over time, displaying the shade of white, the base of the belt.

I have thought about that symbolic picture and entertained the thought of what it means to be an expert in one’s field throughout my military career and life in general. I have often heard that mastering the basics is expertise. As I transitioned from being a career soldier, I focused on continued development while embracing the fact that life has a lot to offer after 30+ years in the military. My journey branched off to graduate-level studies in performance psychology to pursue excellence in my life, along with helping others who desire the same.

This blog will capture insights into my experiences as I study the art of Kendo. My journey will take me to Japan, where I will enroll in a Kendo Dojo. Why Kendo, you ask? Kendo is an art that I am not familiar with. This creates some dynamics for me to test and apply the principles and tools I have studied during my graduate course. I have used many performance enhancement tools throughout my military career and life in general. However, being isolated in culture and challenging my decision-making skills to apply performance-related tools will be invaluable. I want to be in an environment where I am truly a white belt literally and figuratively.

I believe it is one thing to study theories and research conducted by other people. I have often approached things from having to test them out myself. Likewise, this journey is a means for me to test some things out. I feel there is value in testing things out on myself to gain confidence and trust before encouraging others to apply it in their lives.

I am looking forward to this segment of my journey and gaining insight and developing to better myself and others. I invite you to follow along and offer your thoughts. I find value in hearing the opinions and feedback of others. I am open to constructive feedback and recommendations. This next leg of my journey will begin in a few days as I head out to Japan. I am mission-ready, motivated, and ready for this challenge.

– Pat

Author: Pat

Pat is a Graduate student at National University. He is a sports enthusiast and enjoys baseball, football, fitness, and martial arts. He served in the U.S. Army for 31 years and retired in 2018 as a Command Sergeant Major. He is blessed with a lovely wife, four adult sons, and four rescued pets-a dog and three cats. He has a wide array of interests ranging from playing guitar, training bonsai plants, to developing as a leader through continued education and personal development.

10 thoughts on “The journey continues….”

  1. Best of luck on your journey. I look forward to reading and learning more about it and how you excel. DOL.

  2. Pat,
    This will be an incredible experience for you!! I am looking forward to following you on here. I am honestly green with envy. This immersion is definitely going to be beneficial in so many ways, many that you will understand “post trip”. Good luck, keep your shinai up and your eyes open!!


    1. Hey Bro. I agree, I will reflect on many of these things down the road. I find myself reflecting on prior experiences that brought me to this point and how they intertwine. Thanks for your words! – Pat

  3. Godspeed on your new adventure, Brother. I am sure you will excel at this as you have in everything you under take.

    1. Good to hear from you Brother! An adventure indeed, one step at a time, one day at a time! – Pat

  4. “The beginning is the most important part of the work”
    – Plato

    Congrats and Godspeed. Can’t wait to learn more from your journey.

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