Shisa Kanko (checking & calling) to reduce mistakes

Volume 2020-15

During one of my travels in Japan, I found myself in the lead car of a train. The view was pretty cool with various landmarks, a mixture of nature and buildings, and the steady flow of oncoming trains. I was able to observe the lone conductor through the glass and noticed how she was regularly pointing at the different gauges and markers along the train track. I wondered at times if she was signaling to other workers as we approached a station or was passing time? I had observed the professional manner of the train conductors throughout my travels and figured it was a standard protocol for them as they checked different things.

After returning to the U.S., a friend sent me an article discussing a skill utilized in various performance-related fields. The article was interesting and generated some thoughts of what shisa kanko looks like in my life? The full story can be seen at

As I read the article, I reflected back to my experience watching the train conductor pointing at various things. Shisa kanko translates to mean, checking and calling and is a technique that railway employees have used for over 100 years. It is taught to them in their training program, and studies have shown mistakes being reduced by 85%. The idea behind checking and calling is for the person to be in the moment, focused on the task they are performing, and to point and call things out that are part of their duties. The awareness the conductors must have is critical when they are responsible for the safety of many customers.

An Army dive supervisor conducting checks to ensure proper wear and function of SCUBA gear prior to training. Pilots working together as one calls an item while the other checks and certifies proper functioning.

I reflected on how this could apply to me. First, I thought of situations where this was taught or practiced. There were many things in the military where we used a systematic method to inspect or review to ensure mission preparation. Pre-combat inspections (PCIs) came to mind, but this was left to how each leader preferred to execute.

The PCIs were not an organizational practice as far as a sequence, though. I then thought about the duties of a jumpmaster. A jumpmaster is a more senior parachutist responsible for all aspects of an Airborne (parachute infiltration) operation. Their responsibilities include mission planning, inspecting the equipment of paratroopers, ensuring the aircraft was safe, and exiting paratroopers at the appropriate time.

Army Jumpmasters conducting pre-jump inspections and giving one-minute warning prior to exiting an aircraft.

Jumpmasters learn a prescribed sequence to inspect jumpers, aircraft, and give commands. It is shisa kanko in practice, and a specified method followed by every jumpmaster as covered in regulations. I thought about the “why.” Several reasons come to mind. First, much like the train conductors, safety is paramount as lives are on the line. A major equipment infraction can result in the death of a jumper. Second, their actions communicate uniformity and confidence to everyone involved. In jobs where the performer has to be “in the moment” and alert, checking and calling will reduce errors leading to a better chance of success.

While we may not be jumpmasters or responsible for the safety of people, are there aspects of checking and calling we can implement to improve our performance? Whenever I fly overseas, I make a list of important items such as a passport, credit cards, and contact information then place them into the appropriate location. I thought about performance-related tasks such as kendo and playing guitar. The sensei had us calling out the attack point as we struck the opponent with the shinai. I was able to retain notes on the neck of the guitar by pressing the appropriate string on a fret and verbally naming the note. These are but a few examples I thought of where shisa kanko is evident in my regular practice.

It is incredible how we can improve the performance of various tasks by implementing shisa kanko. These tasks can be critical tasks as previously mentioned or performance measures we want to improve, such as a skill. In the future, when we encounter an obstacle or seek to learn something new, perhaps we can remember a technique that has been in practice for centuries to better ourselves.


The Entire World is a Drop Zone….

Volume 2020-14

It has been close to two months since I last posted. After returning from Japan, I choose to take some time off. That lasted for a week, where I readjusted and went several rounds of hand to hand with jet lag. After a week off, I was back at it again, working on my graduate course studies and some side work instructing students. COVID-19 began to shut things down around the world, and the instruction I was doing on the side had to be shelved. However, my course work continued, and I was back reading, researching, and writing. The initial plan of taking a month off from posting spilled over to an additional 3 weeks. So, here we go…

As a young paratrooper, the saying “the entire world is a drop zone” was often heard and something I entertained as a young professional. Units that were on airborne status were often the first elements called to enter a hot spot. So, the thought of a paratrooper being prepared to infiltrate any of the world’s regions was reality. Whether an actual parachute drop would occur depended on several factors. The idea that the world is a drop zone was something those units rallied around to ensure their readiness and remain mission-focused.

Author conducting a currency jump vicinity of San Antonio, Texas in 1990. (Photo from author’s collection)

So, what does the thought of the world being a drop zone have to do with a white belt mindset? After my recent experience in Japan, where the majority of training and learning took place in a dojo, I thought about the idea of learning and personal growth. My thoughts circled back to some of the ‘tag lines’ used during my military career. Tag lines like “tip of the spear,” “pressure, pursue, punish,” and “the world is a drop zone,” to name a few. I then thought of what a tag line would look like at this stage of life?

In thinking of a tag line or slogan, I wanted something that not only sounds cool but something that spoke of my passion and pursuit. Something that would remind me to keep pressing, to lace up and put the left foot in front of right, on and on. I came up with “the world is my dojo.” The world will be my training ground, and life and its lessons will be my pursuit. Is a tag line or slogan something we all need to maintain focus or pursue a goal? Absolutely not. It works for me. But the question is, what motivates you? What are the things you seek, and how do you stay focused? What is it that gets you back on track when life takes a detour?

I am a believer in mindset. Early in life, having a positive or strong mindset was taught to me by my parents, sensei’s, and coaches. The same can be said of the leaders and peers I crossed paths with during my military career. The type of mindset matters, as well. Having a growth mindset has helped me to learn and grow as a human being. It has challenged my beliefs, provided me a foundation, and, more importantly, facilitated enjoying life.

What is Growth Mindset? I am glad you askedGrowth Mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” Dweck, 2015. Retrieved from https://www.

Image downloaded from

Life presents us with unique opportunities. Growing and learning is an integral part of life and brings value. My hope is that you are pursuing growth and owning your development in whatever profession, interests, or hobbies your soul is desiring. The world is my dojo, ready to challenge me as I continue stepping out on my journey.
